Sunday, August 14, 2005

14 August Orcalab reports

03:35 PDT Orcas hunting fish.
We are hearing A1 echo locations on PI hydrophone. it possibbly the A12s, we believe everybody else have continued to the east after rubbing. soundslike they are coming into Blackney Pass.

04:36 PDT Orcas relaxing.
The A12s have gone to the north through Blackney Pass.

10:03 PDT No orcas present.
Another foggy morning here. We think the A12s continued up into Queen Charlotte Strait after passing through blackney pass at 4:30am. There has been a report of whales off Lizard Point milling. As of now there has been no identifications. Down to the east the A36s are off Kelsey Bay (Robson Bight Charters report). They are headed east with others yet to be identified. We thought that after the 1:30am rub the A30s, A4s, A5s, Cs and A36s went off to the east. The A5s we believe came up from the east to have the rub and encourage the others to follow them back to the east. We will keep you updated when the information comes in. meanwhile, we are waiting for the thick fog to lift and begin our day.

11:57 PDT No calls but orcas nearby
The a12s have moved into the kelp bed just off Donegal Head. This is just out of range of the Flower Island hydrophone. We also heard a report (kayak group) of a group of 9 heading west along the vancouver Island shore from Naka Creek (also out of range). So.... it is all beginng to happen.

O12:42 PDT rcas rubbing on the shore bottom.
The whales from the east have not yet gone into the beaches but they have approached the east end of the Reserve. We are filming, CH B.The A12s meanwhile are heading to the Strait via Weynton Pass.
Distant calls audible.

13:14 PDT The A12s have entered the Strait. Unidentified whales are still westbound through the Reserve.

14:06 PDT Orcas near mics.
Ah ha! It must have been the A4s coming up from the east. They just passed Critical Point very closely. The a12s are coming east along the Hanson Island shore at Big b|Bay. CP is watching them.

17:25 PDT No calls but orcas nearby
The A12s and the A4s, after reaching Blinkhorn, turned and crossed into mid strait. they are now drifting eastward. there is a small group of transients by Donegal Head moving west into Queen Charlotte Strait.

20:14 PDT No orcas present.
The a12s are still asleep, drifting east toward the Bight. When will they wake up?

21:42 PDT Superb sounds!!
The A12s have become very vocal as the head through Blackney Pass. We're listening to them on the Parson Island hydrophone.

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