Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A12 joined the A30s

Superb sounds!!

Time to catch up. Paul and I had to go to town. While on our way, the A30s were located off Malcolm Point in Queen Charlotte Strait before 11am. Soon afterwards, they slowed down and turned back east. By the time they were between Lizard Point and Donegal Head A12 was seen travelling with the A30s. It is not clear when she joined them. A12 led the way into Johnstone Strait around 4:30pm, the others soon followed. They then travelled east and past Robson Bight but then doubled back without going in for a rub. Just now they have been very close to Critical Point and might go back east once more. We will soon know if that is their intention.
14 Jul 2009 22:31:23 PDT

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

They have gone east for a rub!

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