08:54 PDT Distant calls audible.
Good morning everyone! We began hearing distant "A1" calls on the Flower Island hydrophone about 8am. We're not quite sure which group, though it's probably the A12s returning from their fast trip to the west a couple of days ago.
09:39 PDT Orcas approaching Orcalab.
The A12s are heading quickly south through Blackney Pass, now in front of OrcaLab. It it will probably take them only a few minutes to reach Johnstone Strait on the flooding tide. It's a foggy morning, so they might not be visible from CP.
09:51 PDT Orcas near mics.
The A12s emerged from the fog. They are passing CP now.
10:26 PDT Distant calls audible.
The A12S are heading east in Johnstone Strait. We're listening to them on the Critical Point hydrophone.
11:22 PDT Orcas near mics.
The A12s have reached Robson Bight & are calling close to the Critical Point hydrophone. If they continue to the east, they may head into the rubbing beaches.
12:09 PDT Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.
The A12s are at the Main rubbing beach & are visible on Channel A.

12:18 PDT Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.
We decided to send an alert after a few minutes of the rub, hoping the A12s would continue rubbing a while longer.

12:55 PDT No calls but orcas nearby
The A12s are heading back to the west after a fabulous rub. The C10s have been seen heading east from Lizard Point.
13:23 PDT Superb sounds!!
The A12s are in fine form right of Critical Point
14:47 PDT Orcas (may be) approaching cameras.
A12 is heading towards CP on our side, the others are spread out from mid strait to the Vancouver Island side.
14:52 PDT Orcas near mics.
The A12s are off CP qand we are hearing the Cs approaching Weynton Passage/Blackfish Sound from Donegal Head.
15:19 PDT Distant calls audible.
The C10s rounded Donegal with an unusual choice to head west past Mitchell Bay. The A12s are still near Kaikash Creek headed west.
18:03 PDT Distant calls audible.
The A12s are getting closer to Robson Bight - we're hearing their calls, along with persistent boat noise, on the Critical Point hydrophone. They are heading east. Meanwhile, the Cs have re-entered Johnstone Strait via Pearse Passage, at the western end of Pearse Islands, and are also heading east. Further out, near Numas Island, a large group of orcas has been sighted.
23:41 PDT Multiple pod calls audible.
Power has been restored in Alert Bay, so we are up again! During the outage, several groups of orcas entered Johnstone Strait via Blackney Pass, including the A36s, A30s, A5s, and a "G-G" group. The A12s were at the rubbing beaches as the others arrived. We are now listening to calls on the Critical Point hydrophone as the orcas make their way eastwards in the Strait. Given the reports we heard earlier, it would not be surprising if other groups are yet to come.