Friday, July 22, 2005

22 July Orcalab reports

14:19 PDT No orcas present. The A12s have passed the Adams River on their way to the west.They are still some distance from the Ecological Reserve. The A36s are even further east in the lower portion of the Strait. There is no word about the A4s and A5s who came in yesterday and went east with the A12s & A36s.

18:27 PDT Orcas (may be) approaching cameras.The A12s finally made it. A33 is opposit CP while the A34s are still closer to the Vancouver Island side.

20:48 PDT Distant calls audible.The A12s are to the west of CP still probably closer to the top end of Hanson Island but they mat have turned.

23:08 Superb sounds!! The A12s are now very close to CP. The others (A4s & A5s) are just approaching. We are wondering what they will choose to do. The tide is still ebbing and may encourage them to come into Blackney Pass. We have yet to hear the A36s.

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