Saturday, August 06, 2005

A12s 060805

6 August Orcalab reports

02:14 PDT Boat noise
a little whale ago, we started hearing the A12s on the CRPT hydrophone, but they became quiet again.

08:23 PDT Distant calls audible.
Good morning! The A12s have come up from the east and are westing in Johnstone Strait at the moment.

09:59 PDT Distant calls audible.
The A12s continued west and are passing Kaikash at the moment. We are not sure what the A36s did after entering the Strait via Weynton last night so we will have to wait and see where they turn up. The sun is struggling to break through the clouds and the wind is stirring.

10:34 PDT No calls but orcas nearby
Apparently the A36s doubled back to Blackfish after poking their noses into Johnstone Strait last night. They were seen headed towards Bold Head around 8:30pm. This morning, we just received the report, the researchers off Malcolm Island saw the A36s headed west near Black Bluff. The report came via the Naiad Explorer. The Lukwa ,meanwhile informed us that the A12s are still making their way to the west nering Blinkhorn.

11:56 PDT No calls but orcas nearby
The A12s just turned and are moving back to towads the Wastells (just east of Telegraph Cove). The A34s are close to Vancouver Island shore while a12 and A33 are more centre Strait. The Naiad Explorer also relayed that the A36s are eastbound in Queen Charlotte Strait approaching Lizard Point.

13:55 PDT Distant calls audible.
The A12s are far on the Vancouver Island shore between Kaiaksh & Izumi Rock.

15:16 PDT Orcas near mics.
The A12s are in the Bight. The A36s apparently turned back to the west after getting to Lizard Point.

16:42 PDT Distant calls audible.
The A12s are coming out of the Reserve. they are spread out with A55 & A67 outside the boundary furthest to the west and A12 & A33 still east of critical. The rest of the A34s are off critical Point. (Tuan/Seamoke report)

18:35 PDT Orcas (may be) approaching cameras.
The A12s are heading west, past CP (Channel A)

18:51 PDT Superb sounds!!
As you may have guessed the A12s are in front of CP. We sent an alert. Ch. A

23:07 PDT No orcas present.
The A12s were last seen to the west of CP. It has been quiet now for a while.

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