Saturday, September 13, 2008

A12s picked up I31s in Queen Charlotte Strait

Multiple pod calls audible.

Right now we are listening to the A30s, A36s, A12s and the I31s. Earlier today the A12s went west into Queen Charlotte Strait and picked up the I31s while the A30s hooked up with the A36s who possibly arrived back from the east. Before the A12s returned with the I31s via Weynton Pass this afternoon, the A30s and the A36s paced Johnstone Strait. As they all got togethereast of the entrance to Weynton Pass a small group of transients decided the Strait was too crowded and they turned back east just shy of Cracroft Point. The resident groups are now east bound as well.
13 Sep 2008 17:28:51 PDT

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