Tuesday, August 04, 2009

A12 for a while alone Blackfish Sound

Distant calls audible.

A very,very busy night: the A4s,A1s stayed in the Rubbing Beach/Robson Bight area throughout the early morning hours, taking turns at the Beaches then drifting back to Critical Point. We are still working out the details of the movements, but the A5s did come up from the east and joined the others so it was quite the party. Later, the A36s and A12 broke away to come north through Blackney Pass in a rush to get to the west. The A30s followed (just recently) up to the Sophia Islands but then turned back toward the Reserve. The A4s are not too far away but the A5s may have possibly turned back eastward.
04 Aug 2009 09:03:08 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

The day so far has been about a progression to the west. The A30s, A5s and A24s moved slowly at first to the west and then when opposite CP (Kaikash Creek area) they began to pick up some speed. They were spread acrosss the Strait in mixed groups. they are now east bound and some even back to the Kaikash Creek area. Meanwhile, the A36s made it back to Blackfish Sound and we were just visited by A12 alone in Blackney Pass. We lost track of her during a long dive when she was directly out front.
04 Aug 2009 18:08:02 PDT

Superb sounds!!

Lovely calls as the A30s & Co close in on Robson Bight. A12 got herself into Johnstone Strait.The A36s were getting further away but ,at this point, not sure what they might be up to. An interesting note for yesterday: the Sea Otter came upon the W3s off of Donegal Head. And from a later report from Rob and Erin, the Ws went through Pearse Pass at 9:30pm. We never heard them in Johnstone Strait and no evidence today of their presence. So this is a bit of mystery. It was only 2 of the Ws as it looks like W5 might be gone.
04 Aug 2009 19:43:54 PDT

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