Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Large crowd!

Multiple pod calls audible.

The very large "crowd" that was reported being in Queen Charlotte Strait yesterday, is beginning to arrive. This happens several hours after the A8s rushed out of Blackfish Sound. So far we have heard, the A30s, A4s,A5s and I15s.
25 Aug 2009 03:50:14 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

Moving in... using every available route. We now are hearing Bs and possibly I31 calls already in Johnstone Strait via Blackney Pass as the A4s move through Blackney on their way to the Strait as well. Getting very crowded!
25 Aug 2009 04:27:06 PDT

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

Some of the orcas have reached the rubbing beaches, others are in Robson Bight, others are headed east past Alert Bay, others are still coming. The movemenr is generally eastward.
25 Aug 2009 08:37:53 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

Boy, this is busy! First a probable correction is needed. the Bs may not be there. It was a mistake of hearing the word "Bs" for "Ds" in the early morning. What is clear is that the A1s, A4s, and A5s came into Johnstone Strait along with the I15s and I31s between 4 and 5am. The Ds never seemed to come very far to the east so we are not sure where they are now. There is a sleepy group west bound between Alert Bay and Haddington Island on the Vancouver Island pointed toward Malcolm Island. This may be the C6s. There is another large group (whales everywhere today) between Cormorant Island and Malcolm Island heading toward Sointula. The Johnstone Strait whales are west bound from the beaches to Robson Bight spread out from the Cracroft Island shore to Vancouver Island. Whew! hang on to your hats!
25 Aug 2009 09:59:39 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

We now know a bit more of today's distribution: the C6s and G25s are the westbound,sleepy group headed to haddington island; the Ds (all) and I22/39 are the sointula group;the i33s just went by the Cliff a short while ago following the A36s. It is not clear where the the rest of the As and I15s are at the moment.
25 Aug 2009 10:44:42 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

the orca shuffle continues: westbound in the Strait are the A30s, A36s,I31s and the I15s. They are spread out from Little Kaikash (west of CP) back to Izumi Rock (the A30s,I15s and maybe part of the I31s along the Vacouver Island side, while the A36s and I33s are on the Cracroft Island side). Eastbound are most likely the A4s,A5s and A12s ,now past the Eve River
25 Aug 2009 11:12:56 PDT

Orcas near mics.

The I33s just went north through Blackney Pass and are now westbound in Blackfish Sound.
25 Aug 2009 12:12:16 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

Here is another correction. The A30s are probably back with their regular company heading east at Hickey Point. (A12s,A4s,A5s and A30s). the two males seen on the Vancouver Island side ahead of the I15s earlier may have been the rest of the I31s (the I33s went north through Blackney Pass). the A36s ended up going through Weynton pass and we heard them as they crossed the top end of Blackfish Sound following the I33s out to the west. The I15s are currently off the entrance to Weynton pass deciding on their next move. The I31s may be with them. Complicated day to say the least.
25 Aug 2009 14:32:32 PDT

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