Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A12 following A30s

Distant calls audible.

A busy Johnstone Strait night for the whales. After the last rub, when it sounded like A12 was one of the last ones in, the A30s moved back west toward Cracroft Point. From there there calls became distant probably the whales continued west while making a turn back to Critical Point. More eastward movement has brought them back to the beaches once more.
15 Jul 2009 05:48:32 PDT

Distant calls audible.

We're hearing occasional distant calls on the Critical Point hydrophone. The A30s are in western Johnstone Strait, in fog off Blinkhorn light, pointed west.
15 Jul 2009 10:15:02 PDT

Distant calls audible.

Back and forth and back with streaming audio (the computer did an update and closed the streaming session). After the last rub, the A30s (?+A12) returned to the west again. This time they made it as far as Telegraph Cove. At 10:20 am, they turned back to the east and are now spread out across Johnstone Strait, past Blinkhorn.
15 Jul 2009 11:18:57 PDT

Distant calls audible.

The A30s with possibly A12 following just headed north through Blackney Pass and into Blackfish Sound. Some of their callls were very close to Flower island as they passed but these became quickly distant as they moved on. A38 was in front, a39 was with A30 and the other two groups were further over swimming fairly close to each other. We think A12 was following.
15 Jul 2009 13:00:22 PDT

Distant calls audible.

There are now calls in Johnsstone Strait.
15 Jul 2009 16:38:34 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

Sleepy afternoon whales. The got into Johnstone Strait and except for a few calls while one of the males was off Cracroft Point, it has mostly been quiet.
15 Jul 2009 19:59:28 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

The A30s (with A12?) must have turned before those last calls and entered Weynton Pass to head for Blackfish Sound where they are now.
15 Jul 2009 20:59:56 PDT

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