Saturday, July 18, 2009

A12 joined A36s

Boat noise

just hints this morning, nothing obvious. Possibly faint calls around 5:30am and then possible echo location at 8am. Hopefully, the picture will become clearer.
18 Jul 2009 08:41:33 PDT

Distant calls audible.

Here is sweet image, A12 is with the A36s this morning! She is closest to A46 off Bold Head in Blackfish Sound.
18 Jul 2009 10:44:41 PDT

Distant calls audible.

The A36s and A12 re-entered Johnstone Strait at about 12:20 pm. They are now east bound. It is unclear where the A30s went last night. It is possible they went out to the west. There was a report today of orcas west bound off Malcolm Island. The boats from Campbell River did not see anything on their way up from the east.
18 Jul 2009 13:17:47 PDT

Distant calls audible.

A12 is ahead of the A36s. She had been with A46 on the Hanson Island side and then shot over to Vancouver Island. The A36s regrouped west of her and finally turned eastwartd again when off the Wastell Islands near Telegraph Cove. As they neared Blinkhorn,A 12 was just west of Kaikash Creek around 3:50pm.
18 Jul 2009 16:26:31 PDT

Orcas near mics.

The A36s are still in Johnstone Strait ffor now. We have not heard from A12 for a long while. She was seen heading west from Kaikash Creek at 5:30pm when the A36s were further west near Blinkhorn. It will be interesting to see where everyone ends up by morning.
18 Jul 2009 22:26:06 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

It may be that the A36s finally decided to go east of Robson Bight.
18 Jul 2009 23:17:40 PDT

Seasmoke reports
Todays tour was a very special one, made so by the beautiful dynamics displayed between a matriline who has in recent months lost her son and of three brothers who lost their mother several years ago. We encountered the A36 brothers with A12 near to Bold Head in Blackfish Sound. All of the orcas were very relaxed, some were seen resting while others were foraging, moving very slowly to the west yet not going any distance. A12 was observed spending time very close to A46, A32 was closest to Swanson Island and A37 was not so far from A12 and A46. Passengers enjoyed listening to their A-Clan calls via the hydrophone as we drifted in the current. The orcas rested, drifting towards Donegal Head while A32 continued to forage.
All the while numerous Bald Eagles were working a herring ball and some wonderful viewing of the Eagles swooping low to pick up herring in their talons was observed, along with Rhinoceros Auklets who were also diving and feeding. As we neared the orcas again, a single Pacific White-sided Dolphin was seen amongst them and then the orcas disappeared for a long dive, resurfacing, they were seen to have grouped altogether. With A12 traveling between A46 and A32 and A37 alongside; it really was quite wonderful to see. Their movement carried them towards Weynton Passage and it was at Stubbs Island that they finally were seen to have made up their minds to head in that direction into Johnston Strait with the flood current pushing them along. Even in the distance as we watched, the four orcas made their way into Johnstone Strait, they were relaxed, swimming alongside in traveling sequence with A12 tight between A32 and A46 with A37 to the left of A32. Having watched A12 solo and alone for several days not so long ago, it truly was heartwarming to see her in this way today.

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